They say the hardest part of doing the loop is leaving the Dock, family, friends, the house, is the boat ready, …are we ready. Well for us it turns out that coming back maybe right up there with leaving the dock. We had the trip of a lifetime, filled with so much fun. So much so when we got near home we had to make the decision of go home or go back south again. The rest is history and Loop2.0 was decided.
We completed the first loop on Aug 23 in Midland Ontario, we travelled 12084 Km (7508 miles), transited 110 locks, 2 provinces and 18 states and a “DeTour” to the Bahamas in 418 days. Our second loop continuous of the first was completed Aug 2024 and all the stats are below.
We loved travelling the island rivers of the Mississippi, Ohio Valleys etc. We gained a greater understanding of how important these regions are both agriculturally and industrially, not to mention the fun towns to see and explore.
Transiting the historical canals, Champlain, Chamlby, Richelieu, Rideau and Trent provided us an opportunity to appreciate the engineering marvel (built in the 1800’s) and in our own backyard.
Above all as loopers know it’s the people you meet along the way that help make this an adventure of a lifetime. Lock staff, Tow Captains, Marina staff, locals and yes Loopers everywhere. The generosity was incredible.
DeTour out till the next adventure.

Thanks Barb and Dan