The Great Loop: November Stats: It’s hard to believe that we are now into our sixth month and have arrived in the Gulf. Below are our stats for November.
Fuel costs and the Canadian to U.S. exchange rate continues to surprise us. November’s anchorage to marina ratio is more to our liking. We are looking forward to more nights on the hook as we travel around the Florida coast.
From the top of the Kentucky Lakes we locked though 13 locks, bring our total to 29 since we left Chicago.
Anchoring in the many narrow creeks have led to some creative anchoring methods, for the most part they have been fun. BUT there are always exceptions, which lead to one of two heated discussions. The other centred on learning a video editing software 🤬.
We managed to snag a about 1/4 mile of fishing line, net and fish, his first. The water level in the Tennessee Valley has been very low this year. When exiting a lock and avoiding an on coming tow we managed to scrape the bottom of the keel, no damage.
And YES we are still having the time of our lives.