Off the dock 12:22pm July 1, 2022. We did it.
Posts/Blog are to the RIGHT on the side bar, if you are on a mobile device it likely is at the bottom of this page.
July 1st, 2022 we left on our great adventure. We will post all our links here so you can follow along before . Click HERE to see a live map with the location of DeTour the boat. This is a live 24/7 position of the boat using an AIS (Automatic Identification System).
Ways to follow us. Note a lot of content here but wait for it.
- Our YouTube Channel. Click HERE. We will try and put a new post up every 1 -2 weeks once we start moving.
- The AIS link above that shows our live boat position. Click Here. You might have to login to Marine Traffic
- Face book. You can also follow us on our personal FB channels Wendy and or Colin
- Instagram. Click HERE for Wendy’s
- Nebo. Click Here. An app that we all use as boaters and “Loopers” to stay connected with each other.
This web site is here to point you to our social channels. This site and the social channels are just to keep our family, friends and love ones in the “Loop” and keep them with us and us with them.
They always say the hardest thing to do is LEAVE THE DOCK
So what’s the back story… short story is we love each other, love boats and love exploring.
Wendy and Colin