The Great Loop
February 1st saw us arrive at Key West. We managed to score a dock for a week at Key West Blight, located in the old schooner harbour. We attempted to make a run to the Dry Tortugas & Fort Jefferson. Unfortunately the weather was not co-operative for the 60 nm run. We made our up the Keys anchoring at Jewfish Cay & Johnston Cay. Two nights were spent at Skipjacks Marina in Marathon where we enjoyed visiting Turtle Recuse & Release facilities and another Flagler Museum.. We continued up the Keys to Barnes North Anchorage located north end of Key Largo.
Off to the Bahamas
We weighed anchor at 8:00 for the 60 nm run to Alice Town, Bimini Islands Bahamas. The weather was fantastic, water was like glass. We arrived in Alice Town at 3:00, cleared customs by 4:00, met fellow Canadian Looper off of “Nice Aft” for drinks. From Alice Town we travelled across the Bahama Banks, dropping anchor at 4:30 in 17′ of water, no boats or LAND insight. Next stop, Chub Key where we spent 2 nights at anchor and colin befriended a local conch fishermen.Two night of conch for dinner is two nights too many for this Girl!
Nassau was our next stop and our last chance for reasonable priced provisions and a sim card. Because we arrived on Sunday and all the shops were closed, that meant an extra day at the marina. We manage to escape Nassau on Tuesday and spent the last to days of February anchored at Allans Cay, home of the Bahamian Iguana.
As you can tell our anchor to marinas ratio is still not what we had hope for 11 to 17, March will see that finally change!
The only screw for the month was catching another crab pot, this time Colin.
We were heavy on museums in Feb with a total of 11.
During our travels our Anniversary sneaked up us enhance Colin’s additional entry😘