We spent the last two days of February in Nassau, our last major provisioning stop for the foreseeable future. Also on the “To Do List” was getting a sim card for an old Apple phone to enable us to have a Bahamian data plan when away from the boat (Starlink has been fantastic when on the boat). We pack two old Apple iphones so that we could switch out the sim cards. This did not go as planned. The phones would not recognize the sim cards, $145.00 U.S. later, we have a new android phone.

Allan’s Cay
DeTour left Nassau on March 1st, passing over Yellow Bank Shoal. Other than experiencing 7′ of water & numerous coral heads. It was a pleasant 30nm passage to Allan’s Cay, home to the protected Bahamian Iguanas. We reconnected with fellow Loopers “Follow your Arrow” & “Not Dreaming” and enjoyed Beach cocktails while being surrounded by Allan’s Cay’s “Wild Life”. We had a perfect night to watch Jupiter & Venus kiss in the night sky.
We needed to do some boat maintenance, our engine bilge had lost its ability to auto turnoff. The project was one that Colin was not looking forward to. Can we say “boat yoga”. As reprieve from boat work we took a short dingy ride to Highbourne Cay to check out the anchorage and Marina. The Cay is a private community and we were restricted to the Marina and it’s restaurant. Next stop Norman’s Cay.

Norman’s Cay
There has been so many advantages of having a small trawler on this trip. Detour’s draft is 3 1/2′ which enables us to go into lots of places that a larger trawler can’t navigate because of their draft. One of these anchorage was Norman’s Pond. The entrance to the pond is on the west side of the cay. Due to the tight entrance and skinny waters most cruisers avoid the Pond. We entered at low tide aided by the sun’s perfect angle. We were rewarded with a near empty anchorage, only other boat, a Canadian Looper, had managed to find its way in the day before. Low tide revealed a glorious sand bar, we took advantage and laid down “First Tracks”.
We spent two nights at the pond. We left in the morning on an ebb tide which we were comfortable with because we had arrived during low tide. Shortly after we weighed anchor, a cloud rolled in obscuring our ability to see the sand bar. It just so happened we had camera rolling as a we ran aground. Here is the link to the video.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6B7Qqsz_-PU

The Exuma Cay Land & Sea Park
We entered Exuma Cay Land & Sea Park on March 5th, a NO Take Zone, & marine protected area. We choose to anchor at Shroud Cay. We spent a lot of time dinghying though the mangroves to the Washing Machining at the eastern end of the Cay. A great spot to walk on the sand bars during low tide or enjoying float in the current. While enjoying the Mangroves we saw conchs, sea turtles, rays and a Nurse shark.

Next Stop………..